Saturday, August 8, 2015

Where is Captain Angry Bones?

Over the last several months I have been silent and MIA on many of my pages. The reason for this is I have been going through an extreme amount of change in my life.
My health care, and running has been up in the air since the start of the year which put me in a very difficult place emotionally and mentally. At points I had almost given up my new mission “Bad Bones for Boston” even before it started. I have to thank my family, friends, and rheum mates for getting me through some very physically painful, emotionally harrowing, and mentally depressing months. I am now thanks to the love of many people ready to step out and share what this year has been and show you the road map I have for the coming 18 months.

I am sorry for not posting race recaps for January’s first marathon during the Goofy Challenge, or February’s Glass Slipper Challenge. The marathon for me was an extremely amazing experience. It gave me the belief in myself that I could qualify for Boston. I ran both the half and the full here bellow paces I was capable of due to myositis in my feet. My finish in the marathon I cried of sheer joy for I had finished a race I had coveted for 7+ years. No matter how ugly that face looked it was joy as the tears streamed down my face. I finished both strong and left Disney happy, confident, and ready to announce my campaign for a Boston Qualifier. February’s races were an entirely different story that started the downward vortex from the strings that had already started to unravel with my conditions. I went to Disney proud that I had raised over $1000 for Children’s Miracle Network, excited to wear a shirt with the names of children who had arthritis like my own on it. Over the months leading into the Glass Slipper challenge I had fought hip pain, hip bursitis, and myositis. I ran my 10k faster than the year before but comfortable. The following day however disaster struck and my spirit was crushed. By mile 4 of the half I knew the entire race was going to be a suffer fest for me. By mile 8 I knew my finish time was going to be my worst ever. By mile 12.5 I knew I was going to go down at the finish. It took all I had to continue running and get across the line. When I went to switch to a walk my body did what I expected and my right hip folded out from under me at which point I screamed in agony. I had given everything I had and finished that race in tears of agony. Sometimes finishing our hardest races are the ones we are the most proud of. Although I still cry when remembering this agonizing finish I am also proud that I had the ability to push through pain that was agonizing for the children I was representing.

Spring came and I hoped to finish out my spring running season with another marathon and a series of races in 5ks, 10ks, and half marathons. This was not to happen. My runs became increasingly more painful and impossible to complete. A hip bursa sack injection was ordered. I pulled myself down from running, but each attempt to come back became worse. I eventually could not even walk without agony. X-rays, and then an MRI was ordered. What was found was a tear in my Hip Labrum. I was sent to a high ranking Orthopedic Clinic, and there they told me this was caused by enthesitis (inflamed tendons) which in turn was caused by my condition. I was ordered into physical therapy, for a CT scan to assess my bone damage from this assault, and to have a cortisone injection in my hip socket.

During this time I hit absolutely rock bottom, and the doctor who had been taking care of my disease for the entire duration (10 years) put the final nail into my proverbial unhappy coffin when he told me to quit running. My heart was shattered. Here was the doctor who had rallied me for years telling me I was strong enough to finish my century ride, that he would help me get to Boston while injecting my hip bursa full of cortisone, and who had started me on step up therapy when many other doctors would have probably told me I had nothing wrong with me turning his back on me and ripping out the core of my being. I had to make the toughest decision with my disease and fully walk away from this doctor. I did not know where I was going to go but I was hurt and insulted. I left the office in tears.

I do want to say although my break up with my old rheumatologist was ugly I am thankful for everything he has given me. He has saved my bones in the face of a slowly progressing now aggressive monster inside me. He treated me early when many less researched doctors would not have. He diagnosed one of the rarest forms of arthritis in me one many do not know exist. He believed in me when I started my racing. I truly believe he still does believe in me my case and my dreams just got too big for him or his practice to handle. I am thankful for the 10 years he helped me fight though because without him I would not be running at all.

Summer came and it brought with it the hardest uphill battle I’ve ever had to get back to running. I started physical therapy in June with a wonderful therapist who finds me to be a pesky crazy runner, but I believe will be a friend for life. In July on the 4th I declared my independence from this disease and started the long uphill back to running. This come back is my slowest, hardest, and most painful. This comeback is during an active disease state something I have not had to do before.

In July I also started with a new rheumatology team who is gathering all the records from the many doctors who have been seeing snippets of my diseases. They have advised me changes are coming my disease is not where it should be despite clean radiographs and bloodwork it is active. There were actually 5 doctors advising me that my condition was not where it needed to be when I made my very unhappy break from my old rheumatologist. My husband is the one who found my new rheumatology practice when I was too hurt and upset to even look. He took the time to read countless reviews to find a private research practice that could handle my case. I am thankful he believed in me when I could not believe in myself.

Now that I am slowly coming back to running my heart is at peace. I can see the long hard dirty road ahead. I can see the horizon I want to shoot for. My dreams of qualifying for Boston are still there. I’ve decided to go ahead with my plans and I’ve started “Bad Bones for Boston”. Through this campaign I will blog, vlog, post on my facebook page for awareness both my glories and my agonies. I will attempt to raise $5000 for arthritis research through the Racing for a Cure team. Starting in January I will return to Disney to run the Marathon, which I will use to adjust my training towards obtaining a Boston Qualifying finish. During the 18 months following this race I will run another 5 marathons for a total of 6 to try to obtain this goal. My hope is that through sharing my experience I will be able to inspire others to live big lives in the face of adversity.

Angry Bones

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